
How to use bluestacks pc
How to use bluestacks pc

how to use bluestacks pc

Once downloaded, go to the “ My Apps” tab and click on “ Install APK”.Thankfully Snapchat being an official app, you can find it straight through BlueStacks by opening up the Google PlayStore. Once the set-up has finished, the next step is to download the Snapchat APK file, in order to download Snapchat on your computer.You can safely sync BlueStacks with the Google account that you normally use on your phone, but feel free to make a new one if you wish. During the set-up process, you will be prompted to link your Google account.After installation, go through the initial android operating system set-up.Once downloaded, complete the installation process and install BlueStacks on your PC.

how to use bluestacks pc

  • Download BlueStacks from their official website at.
  • Here are the steps needed to download and install Snapchat on your PC: It is one of the only and best applications for users who want to run their mobile apps on the big screen and without any lag. The purpose of BlueStacks is to enable all third party android based apps to be used, even simultaneously. This also means an android emulator allows you to run Snapchat as well as a number of other mobile applications as well.īlueStacks is a free android emulator that allows you to use Snapchat efficiently with all the features of the app in on your desktop computer. This way you can run any android application directly on your PC. However, with the help of an android emulator you can easily achieve this task and run Snapchat on your desktop machine/PC.Īndroid emulators technically create a mobile like environment within your Windows operating system. The app is officially not available for Windows or MacOS users. The application runs perfectly on your Android or iOS mobile device, but what about those who prefer to work from their desktop PC or Windows machine? This kind of feature can be seen in the story feature of Instagram.

    how to use bluestacks pc

    One of the most unique features of the app is that it allows you to upload short video conversations which automatically disappear after a short period of time. Starting from funny photos to video messages or even short speeches, people have found many ways of communicating through this app. With every single day Snapchat is taking over the world by storm, and rolling with more than 150 million active users on a daily basis. Snapchat Login Temporarily Failed on BlueStacks BlueStacks Snapchat Not Working (Troubleshooting)

    How to use bluestacks pc